Sales Deck
DVDXpress needed help to increase their small business partnerships. These partnerships were the lifeblood of the company, and they needed a simple way to attract and sell to potential businesses the benefits of a partnership.
Partnered closely with the Head of Sales to gather insights on current and previous partnership enrollment processes and success stories. Highlights from the insights produced a clear set of partnership priorities and help developed a vision as to the story and key points sales needed to bring to light for future partnership pitches.
Develop an energetic and punchy sales deck that the sales leads could share with potential partners. The content focused on the key partner benefits while providing simple breakdowns of all the necessary figures and details partners needed.
Sales deck
The sales deck was a beautiful fusion of eye-catching, entertainment imagery with wholesome small business lifestyle photography. The style embraced the theme of "X" from Xpress and playful balanced the weight of colorful images against flat matte white slides. Simple and clean.